Who are we?

We are Paul and Loring Hammond. We have long known the joys and challenges of home ownership. We also know what it is like to be told “You don’t quite qualify for this loan”. When we first moved to the Tampa Bay area, that was exactly what we were told.

Through some challenging work, discipline, and a team of professionals working in our best interests, we were able to afford the house that we had fallen in love with several months prior.

Many years ago, around the time of the 2008 crash, we also were faced with notices from the mortgage company that we were late on our payments and they had begun foreclosure proceedings. With God’s grace, we were able to get current on mortgage.

Our sincere desire is to help solve your real estate challenges. If you’ve had credit challenges and are having trouble qualifying you for a mortgage, we can help. If you’re in danger of foreclosure, or you just want to get out of your distressed home, we can help.

We would work with mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and real estate investors – whatever it takes to help you overcome whatever hurdles you have and help make your dreams a reality.

We would be remiss to not point out that we gave – and still give – thanks to God for putting us where we are. We firmly believe that without Him, we would not be here today.

That is why we chose the name “Covenant“. It indicates a commitment that is more than just friendship or a business partnership. This is about relationships, and we never want to forget that.